Your Go-To Personal Development Blog for Growth and Wellness
Connections with Caitlin
Musings, learnings, teachings and maybe some other -ings to support you, you Gem of a human, in rediscovering just how capable and incredible you are.
What to do when the world feels like it’s on fire.
When the world feels like it's on fire (because it literally is), here are actionable steps you can take to move forward. Because as caregivers, we don’t have another choice.
Is it confidence you need or self-compassion?
To cultivate more confidence in your life, have you considered what self-compassion can do for you, first?
“How do I figure out what I want?”
If this question sounds familiar to you, you aren't alone.
Here are some suggestions to start trying to figure out what’s important to you and what you need.
Let’s stay connected, yeah?
Throw your email in this box to receive these and other (semi) weekly -ings in your inbox. XO.
Bonus: You’ll get a link to a Spotify playlist to help you feel like the magic you already are.
P.S. I promise to protect your privacy.