Dig podcasts and blogs?

Here are places you can find me & my work out in the world.

Blogs & Publications

  • 5 Ways That Businesses Can Help Promote The Mental Wellness Of Their Employees

    Authority Magazine

  • 5 Tips to Workout With a Baby at Home

    Founded by new mom and self-care author Carley Schweet, Hello Postpartum aims to help fill in the gaps in postpartum care and support.

    At Hello Postpartum, they aim to create an accessible community where everyone can access postpartum education, research-backed articles, and support tools.

  • Bold Journey

    There is so much we can learn from each other and we hope these stories inspire you to pursue your passion and support those who are doing so themselves.


  • Putting Yourself First

    On Birthing into the Great Unknown, Staci is redefining pregnancy, birth, parenting, and ultimately, ourselves.

    For what we birth, after we give birth, can be the most powerful part of our journey.

  • The Difference At-Home, Postpartum Care Can Make

    On the 4th Trimester Perspective, Dr. Sonal Patel is highlighting and redefining the importance of postpartum care at home.

    NayaCare was created to support moms and families entering life’s new chapter in a revolutionary way and they are just getting started.

  • The Importance of Wellness for Parents

    Jennie believes that the behavior of a child is less important than their emotional well-being.

    Tune into this episode where we discuss how important it is for the parent in any situation to take care of themselves, too!

    relational parenting logo

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