Radiance: A Virtual Group Coaching Experience for Humans that give a shit

Re-connect to your feminine power, curate your version of wellness & find all that time you’ve been looking for. Allow it all to support you, to envelop you. Just as you are.

Radiance is already yours. Reclaim it now.


noun // 1. light or heat as emitted or reflected by something.

"the radiance of this woman could not be ignored"


noun // 1. someone who nurtures others, offering food, protection, support, encouragement, or training

"the nurturer gives so much to those around them before themselves"

Everywhere we look these days is a message in our face that we’re doing it ‘wrong’. It might feel something like this:

Wake up early for a productive start to your day but also make sure you’re getting a full eight hours of sleep.

Meditation is great for you but have you tried gua sha, cold plunge, sauna and lymphatic self-massage?

Definitely eat enough calories for your body but don’t eat too many.

Make sure your food is organic and eat the rainbow but remember protein is where it’s at. Oh and macros.

Rest when you can and don’t measure your worth in productivity but also what are you doing to better our society?

Work out regularly but sometimes HIIT is too much and yoga isn’t enough.

Take care of yourself so you can take care of others.

It takes a village you know! You can’t do it all.

What if some of that sounds great and a lot of it feels overwhelming and where’s that village we’ve heard about that it takes? Not to mention your own spiritual journey you’re on: Reconnecting to pieces of yourself to feel like you again.

Just imagine: Feeling more at peace, less overwhelm, less burned out.

Feeling supported, taken care of as a human and all the different hats you wear.

You have boundaries, you trust yourself, you trust your intuition.

You have confidence and competence in the decisions you make on a daily basis for yourself and your loved ones. You love yourself. Truly & deeply. You can feel the warmth of it in your belly and over your heart.

You know how to take care of yourself in the best way that works for you and the rest of the noise doesn’t matter.

You treat your body in a kind, beautiful way. You understand in a new way the cycles of your body, how to work with mother nature over against her.

Your cup isn’t always full but you know exactly where to turn and what you need when it’s low so that someone else can help you fill it back up. And, when your cup is full, you feel like you can pour into someone else’s.

For the first time in a long time, you’re clear on your purpose here and the gifts you bring into the world, just by being you.

Introducing: Radiance. A Virtual Group Coaching Experience.

Feminine power. Wellness. Time. On your terms. Created with you. Created for you. Created with others.

Join the waitlist now. More details & frequently asked questions, below.

  • I provide tools & a supportive community. The rest is up to you but you aren’t alone in the implementation. That’s where our group coaching comes in handy. One of my super powers is helping people feel seen & supported so that making sustainable change feels empowering and possible.

  • Each facet I’ve chosen were carefully selected based on my own experiences and the experiences of my clients. We know what we ‘should’ do but bringing those pieces into our lives in a sustainable way is a different story.

    The pillars are feminine power (because we’ve been told to play small and ignore our instincts for too long), wellness (because it’s the foundation to a well lived life) and time (because that’s all we really feel we need anyways, right?).

  • Feminine Power: Trust your intuition, honor your body & cycles, discover your purpose

    Wellness: Cultivate self-compassion, enjoy rest, fuel your body

    Time: Ask for help, set boundaries, build your village

  • Three (3) group calls every month and the option to add a private 1:1 call with me. Voxer and WhatsApp support is provided between calls. All calls will be uploaded and available for replay on the member site.

  • Great question! Either way you get me, my support and tools plus the support of our community. The group setting means you get to share experiences and learnings with others. In 1:1 it’s more private and all of the tools are tailored just to you. Both are great options depending on what you need and want right now!

  • Are you ready to commit a few hours each week to yourself and others the way you give to your loved ones? Are you ready to feel more like you again? To ditch a past story of being overwhelmed and stressed out? Do you want to contribute to healing the world but just don’t know where to start? If you answered yes to those questions, then yes!

  • Yes I do! It’s based on The Green Bottle theory by Worts + Cunning. You can read more about that, here. Reach out to caitlin@coachingwithcaitlin for more.

  • That depends! I’ll take a poll after enrollment closes and we’ll see what works best for the majority. All recordings will be available in the member portal so you can always catch the replays.

  • First ask: Am I ready to commit to myself because I know I’m worthy of this? Yes? Ok! Next: There’s nothing you sign in blood here and I will encourage you to commit to yourself for nine months (the full length of the program). Each quarter we focus on a different pillar. When you are a member, you have access to all the tools & recordings within the site! Let’s be real: As much as we wish it to be true - change doesn’t happen in a month. So, at the very least, if you’re hesitant, honor it! Give yourself the gift of four months and see what happens. Whadda ya say?

  • Your first month is due upon registration, then you’ll be billed on the first of the month every month after that. Payment is requested by th 15th of every month unless otherwise greed upon.

  • $269/month of an investment in yourself, your power, wellness & community. This includes three group calls, WhatsApp and Voxer support and full access to the membership site and all our recorded calls.

  • Oh what a juicy question! This is a dream of mine, to bring us all together. While there’s nothing planned right now and it will never be required, I hope there’s a retreat in our future!

Ready to reclaim your radiance now? Oh I’m so excited for you! We need you!

The waitlist is open now. We start in September 2024. Click the button and enter your info and we’ll get you on that list.

Welcome to our community. We can’t wait to support you.

$269* per month investment in you once we open the doors

What’s next?

*Sliding scale available. See drop down questions above for more info

Got questions & want to chat? That’s great - click the button below to book a call with me!

Want to learn more about me and coaching, that’s cool! Just keep scrolling :)

About Me

(to help you know if we’re a good fit)

The coolest part about that job was leading group trainings and watching someone step outside of their comfort zone while being completely supported the whole time. They didn’t feel alone because there were others feeling just as vulnerable and powerful at the same time.

That job wasn’t about making someone do something they couldn’t. It was about seeing the strengths someone brought into the space and allowing them to expand in that power.

Eight years later, since that first class I taught, I’ve learned a lot of tools and tricks that have helped me change my life, and my world around me, for the better.

I’ve become a certified life coach & certified functional health coach, certified personal trainer & behavior change specialist. I’ve learned to set boundaries & say no, prioritized workouts, me time & self care. I’ve experienced the loss of two close family members and through that self-care journey, also started tapping into the power of my body and the Universe.

Let's just say I'm still learning as I go but now I know: you don't have to do it alone. And it doesn't have to take you years like it did for me.

The more time I spend working with other clients I've realized a few things: There's power in sharing our stories, in realizing our struggles are our own but that we are not alone.

There's power in vulnerability, asking for help, and choosing to step into our possibility. There’s power in taking care of ourselves so we can support others. There’s power in owning our instincts, trusting our intuition.

Just because it's a part of our day to take care and support others, doesn't mean we have to lose our sparkle.

Ready to shine again? It’s possible.

Hi! I'm Caitlin. I'm a wife, mom, friend, coach, trainer & fitness instructor.

My fist baby joined us in 2017 and it radicalized me in ways I didn’t see coming. Without family or friends that also had babies, I felt alone. My husband and I couldn’t afford daycare so we traded who worked and who stayed with the baby. My mental and physical health suffered.

For years I wondered what was wrong with me: Why I didn’t feel like myself? Why was motherhood so hard? Is this really what I signed up for the rest of my life?

Two more babies and a miscarriage later, I know: There’s nothing wrong me me. Our society and culture are not built to support mothers or nurturers.

We’re taught to give, give, give and give some more. We read daily on all the things we should be doing while the guilt and shame just piles on top of us like a weighted blanket we can’t take off.

Meanwhile, my coaching journey started unexpectedly for me in 2015. I became a fitness instructor and started training other instructors. By 2020, I was leading the training department of that company and training other trainers.

What is coaching, anyways?

What my clients have to say…

“[Coaching] helps people discover confidence. It helps people realize the answers are inside them, and it's a safe space to be truly seen and heard without judgement..”

— B.G.

“… it's specific to each person. A coach is there to listen to your hardship or health problem and reflect. They support you in creating sustainable goals to help you get to a better space. It's about reflecting and asking good questions!”

— R.G.

“Your coach sits on the same side of the table with you looking ahead together. Coaching aims to elucidate what you want for your life and help you bridge the gaps between where you are and where you want to be..”

— N.Z.

Here’s what I know to be true

This world needs you. It needs us. And also? This world is fucking exhausting to be a human in this lifetime that cares about anyone or anything outside of themselves.

I am not claiming to have all the answers nor do I promise to ‘heal’ any part of you.


With a few more tools in your toolbox, I believe you’ll have more power, more energy to stand up and make a change in this world that we so desperately need.

I get it. Spending money on yourself is hard. I still think and feel that way.


This is bigger than me & you, this is bigger than us.

Will this fix everything? Nope. Not claiming that either. I do believe in the power of the ripple effect, though.

Ready to see what happens?

Let’s take a step - together - to heal this world.

Ready for more?

Let’s do it.

Still got questions? I get it. Let’s talk.

Now you know you’re ready to join this community? Amazing. $269* a month for you is worth it. Because you are.

Go ahead and click the button that’s right when you’re ready so we can co-create what’s next for you.

*Sliding scale available. See drop down questions above for more info

Want weekly encouragement in your inbox either way?

Go ahead and put your email in the box below! Pssst: You’ll get a Spotify playlist that will make you feel like the magic that you are!