Mining More Time in

Your Every Day

A {free} 5 day adventure to reclaim more radiance for yourself + five hours/ week back in your schedule (for you!)

When you take care of something or someone outside of yourself, day in and day out, the world has taught us that we have to give and give and give. When we do that long enough, we lose ourselves.

And what that looks like, is different for each of us. Lack of confidence, exhaustion, feelings of overwhelm, no ‘me’ time. People pleasing, lack of boundaries. Movement is non-existent. To name a few.

What if, though… there’s a different way? It includes tapping into your own power and your own gifts. Because only you know what’s best for you.

Here’s what the beginning of that journey can look like:

A {free} five day, mini-adventure where, in just a few minutes a day, you can start to call back some of that radiance and shine that is you.

  • A guidebook PDF with prompts to start your day, wrap up your day, and allow you to sparkle throughout the day, too


    An email a day to support you further with an accompanying video

  • It’s free! You invest your time of course but if this is something you’re ready for, time will expand for you.

    No tricks here: You will receive an invitation to join us inside of Radiance, our group coaching experience for Nurturers, but if it’s not for you right now, that’s totally cool!

  • Great question! These are places I see my clients (& myself - I’m not perfect!) get stuck when they’re building something new. So these are chosen to help you feel unstuck and keep going:

    Day 1 - Building {more} self-compassion

    Day 2 - Taking up {more} space for you

    Day 3 - Calling in {more} support

    Day 4 - Setting {more} boundaries

    Day 5 - Honoring {more} of Your Cycles

I’m ready to mine {more} magic & time in my every day

Want weekly encouragement in your inbox either way?

Go ahead and put your email in the box below! Pssst: You’ll get a Spotify playlist that will make you feel like the magic that you are!

P.S. I promise to protect your privacy.